Leprechaun – Duende Irlandes – Instrucciones para el la comprension auditiva en español

Leprechaun Comprension Auditiva ¿Sabes qué es un leprechaun? Este pasaje de comprension auditiva de los leprechauns o duendes irlandes presenta estos personajes curios. Son muy populares en el dia de San Patricio. Te sugiero que veas el video varias veces en el idioma que deseas aprender. Toma nota de las palabras que no conoces. Mira […]
Leprechaun Listening Comprehension Instructions in English

Leprechaun Listening Comprehension This leprechaun listening comprehension page gives resources for your language learning. Leprechauns are popular characters on St. Patrick’s Day. I suggest that you watch the video a few times in the language you are wanting to learn. Take note of the words that you don’t know. Watch the Video in English Watch […]
Vocabulary Words for Spring in English and Spanish

Vocabulary Words for Spring in English and Spanish Learn some spring vocabulary words in English or Spanish. This video will help you improve your pronunciation and fluency. Be sure to watch it a few times so that you can really practice these words You can buy the flashcards now on Teachers Pay Teachers. We also […]
Input Comprensible en el Aprendizaje de Idiomas

Input Comprensible en el Aprendizaje de Idiomas Input comprensible es una estrategia de aprendizaje del lenguaje sugerida por Stephen Krashen. El input comprensible utiliza lo que se puede entender en el idioma que se va a aprender. Esto puede ser escrito o hablado. Hay cosas que un maestro puede hacer para que el idioma sea […]
Comprehensible Input for Language Learning

What is Comprehensible Input? Comprehensible Input is a language acquisition strategy suggested by Stephen Krashen. Comprehensible Input is using what you can understand in the target language both written or spoken. There are things a teacher can do to make the language more understandable to students. We are going to discuss some of these strategies. […]