What is the VIPKID Booking Frenzy?

If you spend any time with other VIPKID teachers you will hear about the “Booking Frenzy”?  This is not an official VIPKID term, but it is a very real event.  On Monday at noon Beijing time, parents are able to go into the VIPKID system and book their child’s classes for the next available week (which actually starts the following Monday).  This results in a huge number of classes booked in this magic time that hits around 11:30pm Central on Sunday nights.

Why is this important?  You need to have your schedule open in time for the frenzy if you want the highest chance to get bookings!  I like to have mine open as of Saturday morning in order to get some of the pre-frenzy bookings.  Your repeat students have an extra chance to book you before the frenzy.  I usually see these come in on Sunday mornings.  Students may also send a Priority Booking Request earlier in the week, but most of mine seem to book on Sunday.

Also, be aware that you may also get multiple cancellations as well.  Sometimes parents need to grab a slot and then juggle their schedule a bit.  I honestly don’t even take those cancellations into consideration because the parents are just trying to ensure their student has class at their preferred time before their favorite teachers are booked.  Honestly, I’m relatively new here at VIPKID so I’m not opposed to being a parent’s second or third or even fourth choice.  I’m still getting my schedule filled regularly and finding more and more repeat students.

To summarize:

  •  Make sure your schedule is open and available for parents to book you before you go to sleep Sunday night!
  • Be ready to see a larger number of bookings on Monday morning.


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I want to help you (or your students) become bilingual.  I create resources in Engish and Spanish for bilingual or dual-language teachers, homeschool parents, and people who self-study.

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